Sunday, November 27, 2011

Semen Baturaja Persero Recruitment

Company Profile

PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) was established November 14, 1974 by PT Semen Gresik to share 45% and 55% of PT Semen Padang. On 9 November 1979 the company changed the status of Domestic Investment (DCI) to Persero with share composition of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia 88%, 7% PT Semen Padang and PT Semen Gresik 5%. Since 1991 overall was taken over by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Production produced by PT Semen Balfour (Persero) is a Portland Cement Type I with the location of the factory at Balfour, Palembang and length. The production center is located at Balfour is the production of slag. While the process of grinding and cement besides pengantongan held at Balfour Factory Factory itself is also implemented in Palembang and the length of the next is ready to be distributed to the areas of marketing.

For the improvement of existing equipment in order to achieve an installed capacity of 500,000 tons of cement per year, as well as preparation untukmeningkatkan terpasangPT Cement capacity Balfour (Persero) carrying out the Project Optimization I (OPT I). The project started in 1992 and completed in 1994 with an installed capacity increased to 550,000 tons of cement per year.

As a follow up project OPT I, in 1996 the company implement the Optimization Project II (OPT II), to increase capacity to 1.25 million tons of cement per year. OPT II project completed in 2001 and has been producing up to now.

Production of raw materials in the form of limestone and clay derived from the mining of limestone and clay-owned company which is located only 1.2 miles from the factory at Balfour.

While proponents of raw materials such as silica sand obtained from the mines of the people around Balfour, iron sand obtained from the mines of the people in the province of Lampung, gypsum purchased from Petro Chemical Gresik and imports from Thailand, while bags of cement bags so obtained from the manufacturer in the country.

On June 20, 2004 PT Semen Balfour (Persero) issued I Bonds amounting Rp.200 billion. This bond issuance is an advanced program of financial restructuring in order to improve profitability as well as the company's liquidity.

The main marketing area of PT Semen Balfour (Persero) is a Southern Sumatra, South Sumatra and Lampung ie.

South Sumatra and Lampung in Indonesia is a region which enjoys a fairly good economic growth and stable. In 2009, the national growth reached 0.9%, while the average growth reached 2.3% Sumbagsel this gives an opportunity for Balfour Cement to increase sales and achieve installed capacity.

After completion of additional production capacity in 2001, opportunities to increase revenue in the future is wide open. Also historically the company's ability to manage operational issues and maintain operating profitability proves quite good.

To deliver its products the company uses a network of distributors spread throughout the territory of South Sumatra, Lampung, Jambi, Bengkulu, Banten and surrounding areas. Most of the sales or transactions perusahaandilakukan in cash, while for the redeeming of cement on account of the distributors are required to provide collateral in the form of bank guarantee and / or other forms of collateral.

The presence of PT Semen Balfour (Persero) provides many benefits, whether directly or indirectly, in the form of taxes and levies to the Central Government and the Regions, dividends to shareholders, employment, or in the form partnerships and establish the environment for the community around the factory. (Source: Semen Baturaja)

Company Logo

PT Semen Baturaja Persero

Company Contact:

Palembang Factory:
Jl. Abikusno Cokrosuyoso Kertapati
Palembang - 30001
Phone : (62) 0711 - 517344
Fax : (62) 0711 – 510682

Baturaja Factory:
JL Raya Tiga Gajah Baturaja
Ogan Komering Ulu - 32117
Phone : (62) 0735 - 320344 ext : 223
Fax : (62) 0735 -323251

Lampung Factory:
JL. Yos Sudarso KM7 Panjang
Bandar Lampung - 35243
Phone : (62) 0721 - 341237
Fax : (62) 0721 - 343076

Available Jobs

In accordance with the demands and development of the Company, one of the strategic steps that have to do is empower the Human Resources (HR) that is able to support the operational activities more effective and efficient and have high productivity. Human Resources (HR) is one of the Company's assets are very important and decisive in running the Company's activities. For that Human Resources (HR) must be managed properly so that the goals of the Company for long term can be achieved.

In line with the technological development of the Company and PT Semen Balfour (Limited) from year to year continue to improve the quality of human resources, especially from the aspect of the qualifications required in the organization.

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